Somewhere in the winter of 2004/2005 After a few minutes of blinking, my eyes adjusted to being open. There was a sparkling in my peripheral with every beat of my heart, which was beating faster than normal. There was a pounding in my skull and my body hurt all over. I was laying on my side and shaking. I raised up to see where I was. The mattress I was laying on was bare, sheet-less. Behind me, sunlight was streaming around the edge of black-out curtains. Something smelled bad. That something was me. I didn't recognize the bedroom I was in. And I couldn't remember the day before. Light assaulted my sensitive eyes, as someone opened a door and walked in. I squinted. "How you feel?" Letting out my breath, I shut my eyes as I recognized Andrew's voice. "Like hell." My mouth was dry and there was a bad taste in it. The bed dipped as he sat down on the edge. "Where are we?" I couldn't remember where I was suppose to be. I'...